Nowadays Fungus Tinea Pedis is a commonly seen problem which is contagious. It will become severe if left untreated. The foot fungal that occurs in the feet is called Tinea pedis. It is also known as athlete's foot because people who play sports suffer more from it. Usually, people who play sports use shoes and socks for a long time, creating a moist environment in the foot area and leading to athlete's foot or Fungus Tinea Pedis.
People who work in mud, people who live in water continuously or people who work in the fields when the rice crop is ready, where their feet are often immersed in water, are prone to developing a fungal infection called Athlete's foot or Tinea pedis. Here this foot fungal infection happens mostly on feet. It is the feet which commonly come into contact with dust and mud or the fungus. Wherever there is an environment of warm and moist the fungus will always grow very fast. The warm and moist environment in shoes and socks also encourages the growth of the fungus.
Following are the common symptoms of Fungus Tinea Pedis
- Itchy, burning sensation between toes.
- Redness and inflammation on the soles and sides of the feet also.
- Peeling, cracking or blistering of the skin like a space between the joints of the toes and the skin of the sides of the feet.
This fungal infection is common during the summertime and the beginning of the rainy season when the weather fluctuates between rain and heat. In such conditions, the fungi spread rapidly. What happens due to this fungus is, that wherever the foot fungal infection occurs, the skin will become completely red in colour and blisters form in such an area. Many times, the layer of the skin gets formed due to the blister. So, what happens is that the layer of the skin in the infected area breaks and the inner part of the skin is exposed.
You may have often noticed the mothers or grandmothers in your village who mainly work in water, having a light yellowish-white rash on their feet with cuts. They continuously scratch their feet due to itching, leading to a burning sensation. If you or anyone you know is experiencing similar symptoms or has tinea pedis (athlete's foot), it is important to seek medical advice immediately.
What can we do to prevent the growth of fungus? Let's explore the reasons behind its growth. The main cause is moisture and warmth. It's better to stay away from damp and hot environments. If you wear socks, make sure to wash them daily or wear new ones. Avoid the habit of wearing the same socks for 5 or 7 days. If your shoes have a foul smell, wash and dry them properly. Try to avoid walking in water to keep your feet dry and safe from the fungal infection.
Your Socks Like This To Get Rid Of Fungus-click here to know more
Ayurvedic treatment and dietary habits are interdependent and always go hand in hand in curing any disease. The food diet prescribed by Ayurveda helps in curing the Athlete's foot or Tinea pedis effectively which should be followed diligently.
Remember to focus on increasing the immunity power to combat this problem: Always consume food items that increase immunity power. Any hot-natured medicine will work very well for this disease, especially for foot infections. Because hot and bitter things both naturally have the quality of creating dryness. Usually, fungus grows in a place where it gets a moist environment. So in such a case, include bitter and pungent things in your diet which are naturally pungent and bitter like bitter gourd, Guduchi or Giloy, Neem etc. or you can drink basil water by boiling it. If you consume bitter items regularly, it will reduce the itching sensation and help in eliminating the fungus. Protecting the feet from the wetness will result in curing the Athlete's foot or Tinea pedis, very quickly.
Barley and Bengal gram act as a drying agent: In food, including Barley, which is rich in medicinal properties and works very well as a drying agent. You can use Bengal gram or yellow lentil, it will also work as a drying agent. You can include all types of pulses except black gram in your diet, which helps in reducing the wetness in the body.
Now the question may arise, Can you scrape out toenail fungus? What is the most effective treatment for toenail fungus? What kills toenail fungus instantly? There might be several questions in connection with the Tinea pedis of Foot fungus. The ancient method of Ayurvedic treatment is the only answer which is very effective and will not have any side effects. The proper and continuous treatment will bring positive results in eliminating this disease.
Oils for local application: Ayurvedic medical practitioners often recommend using potent oils for local application like Mahamarichadi oil or Ark oil. Sometimes where the fungus has spread extensively and the infection has become severe, then these oils may be administered via injection around the affected nail area to ensure deeper penetration and aid in eliminating the local infection. Usually, Ayurvedic medical practitioners suggest a strong oil to apply in this infected area which will be available at your home is mustard oil, because this infection normally occurs around the area of the nail, where the skin around the nail is quite thick. So, the application of mustard oil by mixing camphor is very effective in such a situation.
‘Dhoopanam’ remedy will give a soothing effect: In these severe cases of fungal infection, a treatment called ‘Dhoopanam’ of Ayurveda will be beneficial. This involves burning the medicated herbs and applying the smoke to the infected areas. In this fungal infection, burning any medicine like Guggulu and spreading the smoke on the fungal-infected area will be very helpful. The fungal-infected area should be placed slightly above the rising smoke to help in effectively treating the local infection. The smoke of Guggul helps in curing the local infection effectively.
Coriander water can act as a home remedy: Avoid milk products as much as possible. Instead of that use coriander water and drink it for 7 days. It also removes toxins from the body and helps to boost immunity. So, soak 20 grams of coriander in 2 litres of water overnight, boil it in the morning and make it 1 litre. Drink this water throughout the day to experience the immunity-boosting effects.
Magic of Triphala+Neem+Honey: In Ayurveda, any medicine that removes worms is often used. Medicines like triphala, which is easily available everywhere, can be mixed with honey and add two-three pinches of neem powder to it and consumed before food. It will help in increasing your immunity and also reducing the risk of infection.
At last, we can conclude that there will be no disease which will not have a remedy. For every disease, there will be an effective and specific treatment in Ayurveda. The only thing is one should follow the treatment and food diet continuously up to the prescribed time. So, consulting an Ayurvedic practitioner and getting a proper treatment will be the perfect remedy for tinea pedis or athlete's foot.